Hey guys - I’m Anna :)

Hey everyoneeeeee!!!!!!! So……. this is my VERY first blog post on this, might I add, eye-catching website I created with my VERY own hands!! (if you can’t tell, I’m pretty proud of it ;) ) I am fully aware I don’t know how to blog, vlog, or do remotely ANYTHING that rhymes with “-og,” so bear with me as I jump headfirst into this. Though jumping headfirst is how some of the best things start, right? ;)

If you are reading this, then you might know a whole lot about me, nothing at all, or anything in between so allow me to fill you in…

My name is Anna, but my 'known' name (if you would even call it that LOL) is Anna Rae Haller. People always get confused when I say I don't go by 'Anna Rae' but have it in my stage name, and my explanation always confuses them even more. I've always had an emphatic connection to my middle name. Not just the "Oh, it's alright" connection but the connection where I'll take any opportunity to say, "DO YOU KNOW MY MIDDLE NAME IS RAE?" Honestly, it's hard to explain, but it's been a part of me that I am really proud of for as long as I can remember. (plus, my grandpa's name was Ray!!!) 

I’m newly 16 but feel like I’m 34 and 9 at the same exact time..funny how that works. :) 

I ALMOST HAVE MY LICENSE!!! I’m going to go to the DMV next month so let’s pray that in a month's time I’ll be screaming Zach Bryan and the other music I play to death in my sister's Subaru!!!! 

I’m a BIG BIG BIG fan of the simple things life gives me, like going to church with my family, a crisp autumn morning, the way the wind brushes against the window, the sound of rain and thunder in the humid July air, the mutual smiling of a stranger in passing at a store, and soooooooo many other things I could go on and on about. Sometimes, I feel like life goes a million miles an hour, so when something that typically goes unnoticed stops me in my tracks, I take it as a reminder to slowww on downnn. And I think everyone needs a reason to slow down and take in the beauty of our life. When you look for it, IT IS SO SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! Not to get all sappy on you, LOL, but I feel like everyone, including myself, needs this reminder that there is so much more beyond what we can see. 

I LOVE MY DOGGSSSS!!! I have four babies: Daisy, Shelton, Lucy, and Harley. They are my BABIES. I swear I would give my right arm for them, and I think they know that because I’m wrapped around their little fingers (or paws)!!!! 

Music is my favorite thing….EVER. I am such a nerd when it comes to music, to the point where my siblings barely know what I am talking about because I go on and on and on and on. It has been the only thing I've wanted to do ALL my life. I started singing when I could talk and began my journey in musical theater, it somehow bridged the gap with country music, and I LOVE IT. And country music, WOW COUNTRY MUSIC. The storytelling, the melodies, the guitar, the BANJO, the FIDDLE. It's really perfect. That's the reason I found myself so drawn to country and, ultimately, the reason why I do it today. Country music is quite the controversy, but I'll STAND BY IT!! COUNTRY IS ONE OF, IF NOT THE GREATEST, GENRE IN MUSIC! I started songwriting and playing guitar at 14/15 years old. Songwriting is such a funny thing because one day, you are writing purely diaristic songs, and then the next, you find yourself diving into a full-on story about some lady named Jane that you devised in your mind. At least, that's how that happened to me. I am a confrontational person when I have to be, but most of the time, my problems and emotions come out in my songs. It's become the way I express my feelings. And it's also the reason I am scared of my notes app. I just looked, and it's 1000 notes of random things my brain musters up throughout the day. It keeps me awake. I'm not kidding. Last night, I woke up at the fine hour of 2AM TO SING A MELODY INTO MY PHONE! And when I replayed it this morning, I couldn't even hear it. Stuff like that makes me question if I am insane. Maybe I am…..just kidding….but maybe…..

Singing and songwriting has always been and still is the only thing I want to do for my life and for a career. I'm fiercely passionate about music, so the possibility of getting to do it forever sends me into ORBIT. 

Here is a rapid spitfire of random facts about me: 
- Baking/cooking is my therapy (especially cookies and breads!!) 
- I play my Nana's 12-string guitar, and my, it isSUCH A BEAUTY.
- I have a HUGE FAMILY! 50 first cousins, to be exact!
- My family are the biggest Buffalo Bills fans you will find…and I'm not kidding. We have a good luck pillow with a specific phrase that we chant for good luck (is this a cult?) GO BILLS! 
- Guitars are like dogs; you can never have too many.
- Not to get all Taylor Swift, but 7 is my lucky number. THERE ARE SO MANY COINCIDENCES!! I was born on 7/25/07. What does 2+5 equal? 7!!!! Also, on my first trip to Nashville, I was on the 3rd floor in the 22nd room. 3 + 2 + 2 = 7!!!!!! I swear I see it EVERYWHERE!!! 
- I love people who love people. 
- I have curly hair…like really curly hair….. It's a work in progress, but I'm starting to LOVE it (except in humidity…..LOL)                                                                                                                          - I am a very sarcastic person, so when I talk with someone likewise, I'm like, "YOU GET IT!!" 
- I have a VENDETTA against 'the big light'. Small lights ONLY!!! (iykyk)
-  I talk in metaphors                                                                                                                          - I LOVE KIDS!! I don't understand people who don't like kids. Like, are you allergic to fun and imaginative living?! 
- It is admirable when someone stands up for themselves or others.
- I am not a dual-faceted person - what you see is who I am :-) 
- I think there is a redeeming quality in everyone.
- I am an EXTREMELY enthusiastic person and get SO EXCITED when someone is excited like me, because I'm always so pumped to talk and meet people :) 
- I quote too many TikToks in everyday life. No one ever gets them. 
- I LOVE to talk and can get VERY loud in a passionate conversation.
- I believe having a moral ground to stand on only makes a person stronger.

This is an ever-changing, updating list, so I might do one of these occasionally if you guys want that!!! I'd love to hear facts about y'all because you guys are the coolest!!! 

Well, well, if you read this far, THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE! Especially after this word vomit of a post HAHA. It really means so much and always astonishes me that someone would take time out of their day to support me, so thank you, thank you, thank you!! Whatever day or time you are reading this, I hope you have the BEST one, just like you. <3 Love ya!!!!!!! 

Love, Anna